This morning while I was making my bed, I had this crazy urge to go through my storage box of MAC quads and palettes. Why? I'll never know, but I'm glad I did! By no means do I have a lot- 6 quads, 3 holiday palettes, and 1 trio- but it made me realize that there were 44
eyeshadows just sitting in that container! I often neglect my little boxes of treasures because my larger palettes are always at hand. When I'm running low on time its always much easier to just grab a large palette and make a look from the colors in it. I was pleasantly surprised when I "discovered" the large number of
eyeshadows I had tucked away in that box. I knew I had some of the colors, but
forgot that I had others. Some I've been lemming and others were great dupes for colors I've been wanting. It was like I'd just hauled 44 MAC
eyeshadows... but for free!!
As if that little surprise
wasn't enough, I opened another of my containers. This particular one is full of
eyeshadows, and a few
UD eyeshadows. I had again "forgotten" about these. I know they're there, but because they
aren't always visible I
don't use them regularly. So yet another "haul"!
After the initial excitement of re-discovering, things wore off and the reality set in for me. I have enough makeup that I forget about it- even when it's all right within arm's reach of me! I was almost disgusted with my former buying habits. To find 60+ barely touched
eyeshadows is insane. I rationalize ( humor me,
haha)part of it because makeup is a passion
of mine. Although I'm not doing it professionally it's still something I enjoy immensely. I'm still flabbergasted at the extent of my find though!
Now before anyone judges me as a shopaholic or for frivolous spending, I need to let you in on a fact I'm very proud of. In the past year I have only bought absolute makeup essentials- mascara and foundation. And I only purchased them when I needed them. I had more than enough of every other item to get me through the year (and then some!). I went through a divorce last year, and it was my
wake up call. My ex-husband does not pay child support like he's supposed to, nor does he help pay any of the debt we accrued while we were married. So the responsibility has fallen completely to me. I realized that I was going to have to make some changes so that I could be a completely self-sufficient single mother. Only buying makeup essentials and rarely shopping for anything other than absolute necessities was how I went about it.
It took a lot of adjustments, like not buying from any new MAC collections, hauling at
Sephora, or stocking up at drugstores, but I did it! Now I'm in a position (thankfully!) where I can buy things if I want and
don't have to worry about the financial
repercussions. I also only buy things if they're something I know I cant live without (in makeup terms of course,
haha). I adore "shopping my stash" now. I find it almost as enjoyable as an amazing haul. It serves as a reminder of what I already have so that I
don't mindlessly purchase duplicates or products dupes.
This mornings re-discovery of what I have was a great reinforcement of all the hard work and dedication I put into becoming a stable, single mother. It also made me realize that as much as I'd love to buy from every new MAC collection or go crazy at
Sephora, I
don't need to because I've got plenty of treasures if I just look.
I want to know!How do you reign in your spending habits? Are you ever disgusted or
embarrassed by the amount of product you own? What are your tips for people trying to spend less or buy smarter? Please share your ideas, tips, and stories!!
Coming Soon... Pictures of my beloved makeup collection =)